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JAPAXI ロゴデザイン



JAPAXI Logo Design

Alleviate traffic congestion and support the independence of the poor

Bangladesh has constant traffic congestion due to overcrowding. JAPAXI aims to alleviate traffic congestion by using motorcycle taxis that make use of digital technology, and to support their financial independence by fostering the occupation of the poor.
JAPAXI helps poor people to get a motorcycle license. In addition, by supporting the bikes that are their business tools so that they can own, not rent, JAPAXI is creating a mechanism that allows them to develop their abilities as drivers and to become economically independent.
The logo design makes use of the image of Japan, which still has a high brand power in Bangladesh, and features red, the symbol color of Japan.
One of the oldest means of transportation developed during the Heian period(794–1192), the ox cart. What was often written on it was a pattern called Kyuyo-mon.
Kyuyo-mon has been redesigned in a modern way to express the long history of transportation leading to the present technology society. Kyuyo (9 circles) are various bases of the city, and they are connected like a neuron by JAPAXI's transportation system.

Design: Iwata Kazunori
Client: Japan Taguchi Construction Co., Ltd.


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