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日本人は春画を知らない? そんな現状を追ったドキュメンタリー映画「春画と日本人」のグラフィックビジュアルを制作しました。中心には日本の象徴、日の丸を据え、猥褻という概念のモザイクが春画を浸食していく。パンフレットに至っては、性器はおろかお尻も肉体も眼差しも消え、ただただ猥褻意識のモザイクが喜多川歌麿の名作を消し尽くしていく。春画にまつわる日本人の歴史と意識を皮肉の力によって浮き彫りにするデザインにしています。
Shunga and the Japanese
The history of Japan around Shunga
The painter's advanced skill, original composition, and the luxury of carving and printing. Shunga have long been highly regarded as art abroad. In 2013, a large-scale “Shunga Exhibition” was held at the British Museum and was successful. In Japan, however, despite the resurgence of academic freedom after the World War Ⅱ, research on Shunga does not progress, and most museums still refuse to display Shunga.
Japanese don't know Shunga? I designed graphic visuals for the documentary film “Shunga and the Japanese”. In the middle of the visual is a symbol of Japan, the rising sun, Hinomaru, and cunning mosaic mask erases Shunga. In the pamphlet, the mosaic mask erases not only the sexual organs, but also the buttocks, the body and the gaze, the masterpiece of Kitagawa Utamaro. The ironic design expresses the history of Japan and japanese consciousness around Shunga.
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